Socioeconomic Status on Student Achievement

Each year students attend schools that represent a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds. Socioeconomic status refers to the level of education, income, and professionalism of an individual or group. Although students of higher and lower socioeconomic statuses both attend school, the effect of lower socioeconomic status on student achievement is hard …

Correspondence Degree Colleges

Whether you are currently working, have family obligations or simply don’t feel that the confines of a traditional school schedule is for you, correspondence degree colleges offer freedom and flexibility that in-class learning institutions don’t. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in the 2007 through 2008 academic year, …

What is ASVAB?

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a series of tests that covers eight separate topics and determines whether you are eligible for the Army and more specialized roles within it. Your needed knowledge varies by subject, but none is beyond what you can learn at a high school …

What is a Laboratory School?

A laboratory school or demonstration school is an elementary or secondary school administered in association with a university, college, or other teacher education institution and used for the training of future teachers, educational experimentation, educational research, and professional development. Many laboratory schools follow a model of experiential education based on …

Cognitive Testing vs Achievement Testing

Beginning in elementary school and continuing through high school, students are exposed to a multitude of standardized tests. Cognitive skills are the basic processes used in learning, such as logic and reasoning. Testing these skills quantify a student’s ability to learn, predicting her potential academic success. Achievement tests concentrate on …

What is a Therapeutic School?

A therapeutic boarding school (TBS), alternatively known as an emotional growth boarding school, is a boarding school based on the therapeutic community model that provides an educational program together with specialized structure and supervision for students with emotional and behavioral problems, substance abuse problems, or learning difficulties. In contrast with residential …

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